For Gabby Giffords
Giffords Courage
It was one of the honors of my career to create this triptych installation for the office of former US Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. After Gabby survived an assassination attempt in 2011, she founded a nonprofit, Giffords Courage, dedicated to advocating and legislating for gun control. Giffords Courage is now one of the leading forces fighting the good fight in the gun control debate.
Each poster is dedicated to each of the three community pillars that works to advance Giffords Courage's fight. This first poster depicts the work of legislators, who pass laws and advocate for the community in the courtroom. This is also set in the city of SF, which is where much of the legislative work started.

Across all three panels, there are six birds that represent the six victims of the 2011 Tucson shooting (that targeted Gabby's speech event). There are also 26 flowers that symbolize the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, the impetus that spurred Gabby to start this organization years later. We honor them — and their legacy, deeply intertwined with this movement for gun control.
This second poster is of Gabby herself — the central pillar of the organization. She is set in her home state of Arizona. In the background is a shooting star in the celestial sky, an ode to her husband, former astronaut and current Senator of Arizona Mark Kelly.
This final panel illustrates the grassroots pillar of the community: organizers, advocates, and activists. It's also set in Washington, DC, another key location to the organization.
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